Wildflower Projects
List of Current and Completed Projects
Projects 2021
>>Tree Removal Information
Ongoing concrete work
Asphalt slurry coat
Ongoing siding repair
Projects 2019-Completed Project
Tennis Court Reconstruction: A multiple use Sports Court with a tennis court, a basketball hoop and a pickle ball. Construction should start Spring/Summer 2019
Projects 2018
>>Tree Removal Information
Projects 2017-Completed
-Concrete repairs throughout the complex. Scheduled in summer. Management will inform you if it will effect your unit.
-Siding and trim repairs throughout the complex. Scheduled in May
-Replacement of 35 gutters on the front of the buildings that have high priority. Scheduled end of summer.
-Full staining of the complex which is done every 3 years. Management will inform homeowners when their building will be scheduled. Scheduled to start in May, as soon as, the temperatures are consistently warm enough to hold the stain.
-Roof repairs due to snow shoveling from heavy snow loads. Scheduled at end of summer.
-Sprinklers, in key areas, will be redirected for better watering efficiency. Scheduled throughout the summer.
-Chimney flues cleaned in all units. For homeowners with pellet stoves, an additional fee is required if you want your stove serviced at the time of cleaning. There is a significant savings because of the bulk rate, if you do it at this time. Scheduling is TBD. Management will inform each homeowner when the service will be performed.
-Tennis court fence took quite a toll this winter from the town snow blowers and the excessive snow loads pressuring the posts and chain link. The HOA filed a claim with the town to try and recoup some of the financial burden. This is still a work in progress.
PROJECTS 2016-Completed
-Concrete repairs throughout the complex. Scheduled in summer
-Landscape/sprinkler installation at entrance to Wildflower opposite the office. Scheduled in May/June
-Replacement of 10 gutters on some of the buildings. Scheduled in summer
-Crack fill, asphalt repairs and slurry seal in parking lot. Scheduled in September
-New dry wells and drain swale in parking lot in front of pool area and between buildings 45-48 and 49-52. Scheduled in September
-Replacing pressure regulator valves in 4 buildings and replacing gate valves with ball valves in 10 buildings. Scheduled in May/June
-Engineered plans are being drafted currently to upgrade manager’ unit. Ongoing project throughout summer.
-Additional speed bumps will be added to the parking lot in front of pool area. scheduled june
-Suddenlink bulk billing has taken effect in February 2016 with additional units added in May 2016.
>>Tree Removal Information
Ongoing concrete work
Asphalt slurry coat
Ongoing siding repair
Projects 2019-Completed Project
Tennis Court Reconstruction: A multiple use Sports Court with a tennis court, a basketball hoop and a pickle ball. Construction should start Spring/Summer 2019
Projects 2018
>>Tree Removal Information
Projects 2017-Completed
-Concrete repairs throughout the complex. Scheduled in summer. Management will inform you if it will effect your unit.
-Siding and trim repairs throughout the complex. Scheduled in May
-Replacement of 35 gutters on the front of the buildings that have high priority. Scheduled end of summer.
-Full staining of the complex which is done every 3 years. Management will inform homeowners when their building will be scheduled. Scheduled to start in May, as soon as, the temperatures are consistently warm enough to hold the stain.
-Roof repairs due to snow shoveling from heavy snow loads. Scheduled at end of summer.
-Sprinklers, in key areas, will be redirected for better watering efficiency. Scheduled throughout the summer.
-Chimney flues cleaned in all units. For homeowners with pellet stoves, an additional fee is required if you want your stove serviced at the time of cleaning. There is a significant savings because of the bulk rate, if you do it at this time. Scheduling is TBD. Management will inform each homeowner when the service will be performed.
-Tennis court fence took quite a toll this winter from the town snow blowers and the excessive snow loads pressuring the posts and chain link. The HOA filed a claim with the town to try and recoup some of the financial burden. This is still a work in progress.
PROJECTS 2016-Completed
-Concrete repairs throughout the complex. Scheduled in summer
-Landscape/sprinkler installation at entrance to Wildflower opposite the office. Scheduled in May/June
-Replacement of 10 gutters on some of the buildings. Scheduled in summer
-Crack fill, asphalt repairs and slurry seal in parking lot. Scheduled in September
-New dry wells and drain swale in parking lot in front of pool area and between buildings 45-48 and 49-52. Scheduled in September
-Replacing pressure regulator valves in 4 buildings and replacing gate valves with ball valves in 10 buildings. Scheduled in May/June
-Engineered plans are being drafted currently to upgrade manager’ unit. Ongoing project throughout summer.
-Additional speed bumps will be added to the parking lot in front of pool area. scheduled june
-Suddenlink bulk billing has taken effect in February 2016 with additional units added in May 2016.
Landscaping Water Concerns
Status: Water reduction plan composed by kathy crain and shown by power point presentation at budget meeting
in march 2013. Town of mammoth lakes is implementing a watering schedule throughout town to reduce water consumption. Currently wildflower is watering only on even days, twice a day for 10 minutes. Landscaping
alternatives will be explored this year to replace the areas in need.
in march 2013. Town of mammoth lakes is implementing a watering schedule throughout town to reduce water consumption. Currently wildflower is watering only on even days, twice a day for 10 minutes. Landscaping
alternatives will be explored this year to replace the areas in need.
-Tree removal behind pool room and in front of stairwell of upper units 58 and 60
-Pathway repaired and replaced where trees were removed
- Landscape/sprinkler installation at entrance
-Managers Unit Carpeted
-Sprinkler Revamp and additional landscape test area
-crack fill in parking lot performed in September
-Dry Well Clean Out: located in the parking lot near the pool area (between buildings 45-48 and 49-52) September-Dry Well Clean Out: located in the parking lot near the pool area (between buildings 45-48 and 49-52) September
-Removal of Tree at pool boundary-September 2014
-Drainage issue at pool/spa completed this summer. Date: November 2014
-Staining of the Complex including decks, trim, stairs and doors Summer 2014 month TBD
-Complete staining of the Complex July 2014
-Chimney sweeping May 2014
-2 metal stairs on all staircases leading up to the 2nd floor units May 2014
-Bathroom Floors Ultimate Lining applied May 2014
Bathroom Remodel at Pool Area- September 2013
Roof Leaks-July 2013
4 roofs are being modified based on the modification made to the 2 roofs completed 2 years ago. Buildings 5-8, 17-20, 25-28, 33-36
Fence Behind Pool Area-June 2013
Resurface Concrete Decking-Summer 2013
Asphalt Sealcoat- August 2013
Pool tile and coping replaced May 2013
Tree removal at Tennis court removed May 2013
Tennis court repair resurface May 2012
Resurface hot tub-September 2011
Paint siding-September 2011
-Dry Well Clean Out: located in the parking lot near the pool area (between buildings 45-48 and 49-52) September-Dry Well Clean Out: located in the parking lot near the pool area (between buildings 45-48 and 49-52) September
-Removal of Tree at pool boundary-September 2014
-Drainage issue at pool/spa completed this summer. Date: November 2014
-Staining of the Complex including decks, trim, stairs and doors Summer 2014 month TBD
-Complete staining of the Complex July 2014
-Chimney sweeping May 2014
-2 metal stairs on all staircases leading up to the 2nd floor units May 2014
-Bathroom Floors Ultimate Lining applied May 2014
Bathroom Remodel at Pool Area- September 2013
Roof Leaks-July 2013
4 roofs are being modified based on the modification made to the 2 roofs completed 2 years ago. Buildings 5-8, 17-20, 25-28, 33-36
Fence Behind Pool Area-June 2013
Resurface Concrete Decking-Summer 2013
Asphalt Sealcoat- August 2013
Pool tile and coping replaced May 2013
Tree removal at Tennis court removed May 2013
Tennis court repair resurface May 2012
Resurface hot tub-September 2011
Paint siding-September 2011